Explore a diverse range of high-quality cars for sale in Helena, MT at Kenny Simpson Nissan. Discover reliable vehicles, exceptional service, and unbeatable deals. Your next adventure starts with our extensive inventory. Visit us for a test drive today!"
Q:(Traduit par Google) Je n'ai réussi à joindre personne au téléphone pour prendre rendez-vous de service. J'ai laissé un message la semaine dernière et mon appel n'a pas été retourné. Le service après-vente est-il toujours ouvert ?
I haven't been able to reach anyone on the phone to make a service appointment. Left a message last week and my call wasn't returned. Is the service department still open?
(Traduit par Google) Assurez-vous de ne pas avoir appelé le numéro indiqué pour Robert Allen Nissan, qui peut encore apparaître dans certaines recherches jusqu'à ce que Google soit au courant. Si vous êtes certain d'avoir appelé et que votre message n'a pas été renvoyé, appelez et demandez Kenny lui-même. Il veut le meilleur pour ses clients et voudrait savoir si vous ne l'obtenez pas.
Make sure you didnt call the listed number for Robert Allen Nissan which may still show up in some searches until google gets up to speed. If youre certain you called and your message wasnt returned call and ask for Kenny himself. He wants the best for his customers and would would want to know if you werent getting it.
RRazor Rukus
4 years ago
We are open. Are you calling 4064422886?
KKenny Simpson
4 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) Quelles sont les pratiques de sécurité Covid ici ?
What are the Covid safety practices like here?
(Traduit par Google) Quand je suis allé faire un essai routier il y a quelques semaines, personne ne portait de masque. Rien dans le véhicule n’a été effacé avant que j’y monte ou quand j’en sors.
When I went for a test drivea couple weeks ago no one was wearing a mask. Nothing in the vehicle was wiped down prior to me getting in or when I got out.
CCari Schwen
3 years ago
Q:(Traduit par Google) À quoi ressemblent les pratiques de sécurité Covid ici?
What are the Covid safety practices like here?
(Traduit par Google) Quand je suis allé faire un essai routier il y a quelques semaines, personne ne portait de masque. Rien dans le véhicule n’a été effacé avant que j’y monte ou quand j’en sors.
When I went for a test drivea couple weeks ago no one was wearing a mask. Nothing in the vehicle was wiped down prior to me getting in or when I got out.
CCari Schwen
3 years ago
Q:I haven't been able to reach anyone on the phone to make a service appointment. Left a message last week and my call wasn't returned. Is the service department still open?
Make sure you didnt call the listed number for Robert Allen Nissan which may still show up in some searches until google gets up to speed. If youre certain you called and your message wasnt returned call and ask for Kenny himself. He wants the best for his customers and would would want to know if you werent getting it.
RRazor Rukus
4 years ago
Q:What are the Covid safety practices like here?
When I went for a test drivea couple weeks ago no one was wearing a mask. Nothing in the vehicle was wiped down prior to me getting in or when I got out.
5 stars because they donated the proceeds of their car show to the animal shelter! More than $4k! How awesome is that?!
Alex Tabacchi
June 12, 2024
I came to look at some cars, and I really appreciated the salesman not being like your typical sales guy. I've been to so many dealerships and most of them left a bad taste in my mouth.
Kenny Simpsons was one of the only that did not. So anyone reading this if you want to deal with normal people just trying to help you find a car come here...Read More Read Less
Malcolm Miller
March 14, 2024
Had a great service on my car. Price was reasonable. Friendly staff.
Derek Hildreth
March 10, 2024
My daughter and I had a great experience buying her a used Nissan after spending weeks trying to find one in the Gallatin valley. It was worth the trip. Next time I'm in the market, this will be on my go to list for sure! Their warranty is pretty awesome too!...Read More Read Less